Monday 23 July 2007

And so I enter the blogosphere

I'm not really sure why, except I feel the need to write and my creativity has been supressed by an unmentionable number of years studying subjects in which creativity is a distinct disadvantage. Unless of course you count "creativity with the truth" as a true form of creativity (did somebody say "Law School"?).

But what do people do on blogs? It seems like some blogs are set up as content aggregators, others provide editorial comment on current issues and some seem to be about nothing really at all. I guess I fall into that category, although I guess I could have established an LJ just as easily as a blog. I suppose what I want to know is if I can still write like I used to, or whether my mental capacity has indeed shrunk as much as I fear.

Disingenuous mountebanks with their subliminal chicanery! A pox on them! ...